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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Crochet sweater for four year boy

Hi friends,

i made this cute sweater for my son who is four year and i used double crochet stiches and shell stiches for borders which are in black colors and i start from the neck portion. this is my second try of crochet sweater and another one project of crochet sweater for my daughter is going on. hope all will like this sweater pattern. This is my own pattern.......


  1. wow.... it looks nice vino! nice shade of green too!

  2. Its very beautiful... I love the color and patterns in it.

  3. thanks vidhya and Thendral for nice comments and i also always loves chequed patterns..

  4. Vinodini - great job- pleasing colors -Surprised that your son does not mind wearing a frilled round neck. Kudos to your efforts
